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fanclub-TokioHotel-AlbaIulia / TOKIO HOTEL / 30 Ways to Annoy Tokio Hotel Moderat de Deea 31, annnnnna, bIuTzA, luv_billutz_th, silviapemessenger
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1. Insist on calling Bill and Tom ‘Thing 1’ and ‘Thing 2’.
2. Read “Green Eggs and Ham” out loud late at night.
3. When they come back to their home town after a concert yell “Yea, you’re back!” and hug them like you’ll never let go. After about five minutes constantly glance at the clock and say “Shouldn’t you be going somewhere?”
4. Sell all four of them on eBay.
5. Tattoo your name on each of their foreheads in the middle of the night in permanent marker.
6. Dress up as a chicken and sing their songs loudly and off-key.
7. Constantly remind them that the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
8. Let a very large, non-poisonous, spider loose in the recording studio.
9. Record their loud, girly screams.
10. Poke Tom in the side non-stop, making him squeak. (This will not only annoy Tom, but his high-pitched squeaking will annoy the others too!)
11. Watch “The Others” and spend the next week asking them if they’re ghosts.
12. Make them watch Steven King’s “It”. At two in the morning dress up as a very evil looking clown and sit on Georg’s bed.
13. Demand that they write a song about you.
14. Tell Bill that Michael Jackson is waiting at the door to meet his long-lost twin brother.
15. Sing “That’s What Girls Do” at ungodly hours of the night.
16. Laugh… just laugh for no reason at all.
17. Trip Tom and use the other boys as a shield when he comes after you, and shout, “En guard!”
18. Super-glue Georg’s favorite bass guitar to the ceiling and insist that the evil elves made you do it.
19. Slap a cracker with butter onto Gustav’s face. (My sister did this to me once! And it got into my hair!!!)
20. Dress up as one of those British guard guys with big fuzzy hats and follow them around with a wooden rifle in your hand and an unusually serious expression on your face.
21. When one of their songs comes on, turn it up as loud as you can and say "I could have sworn I've heard this somewhere before...?" and look like you're concentrating really hard on it.
22. Get sugar into your system and try to play each of their instruments at a time... 'accidentally' breaking/de-tuning them.
23. While reading "Green eggs and Ham", and when Bill asks why you are reading Dr. Seuss, scream "It's green!" and stare wide eyed at him until he starts to back away... then knock him to the ground.
24. Then read "Green eggs and Ham" while sitting on him.
25. Sit and wait in their hotel room when they’re on tour. When they return to their room after a concert, stand and angrily demand to know why they were so late.
26. Jump on all their backs and demand piggy-back rides.
27. At exactly 03:38 a.m. make sure they are all asleep, take a deep breath and scream "THE FAN-GIRLS/BOYS ARE HERE!!!"
28. Lock the doors so they can't get out.
29. Run up to them saying the producer wanted you to tell them something very important. Pretend to faint. When you wake up pretend like you can’t remember what he said. A few minutes later say “Oh, I remember now!!” Pretend to faint again. Keep this up for several days.
30. Stare at Gustav for several minutes. When he asks what’s up ask if he’s pregnant.
sper sa va placa


pus acum 16 ani
Dieser ist ein cool fan

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sunt super mortale.... toti baietzii la un loc....    
ms mult Aleera


"L-am simtit din nou....mi-a adus un prosop....sper ca nu din mi l-a pus imprejurul corpului luandu-ma in brate si tinandu-ma cu capul in sus...
Nu am indraznit inca sa ma uit in ochii lui..
-De ce ai facut asta?
Vocea lui era putin grava...
-Din prostie.Din incapatanare si din raspuns eu sec.
El a suras usor.....Nu!A zambit.
-Nu era nevoie sa ma impresionezi chiar vede ca nu stii sa inoti...
-Chiar!Promite-mi ca nu vei mai face niciodata asa ceva!
-Iti promit!
-Daca nu eram acolo sa te aud?Daca plecam?De unde stiai ca te voi salva?
L-am privit in ochi.Si el nu a ezitat sa faca la fel.
-Intr-un fel am avut impresia ca mereu vei fi acolo sa ma salvezi!Undeva....ori tu....Ori muzica ta....
Oare chiar spuneam adevarul?
-Stiu!Si asa va fi mereu!
Voiam sa am momentul acela intiparit in minte pentru o eternitate!Parul lui negru si lung falfaind usor in briza vantului...Mainile lui mangaindu-mi timid fata...ochii lui privindu-ma cu caldura si nu in ultimul rand...gustul buzelor sale trandafirii impreuna cu mirosul sarat ce ne inconjura.."
                                 Destine incrucisate(By me )

pus acum 16 ani
Dieser ist ein cool fan

Din: bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 345
sincera sa fiu mie mi se mai intampla din cand in cand sa rad fara motiv...asta nu cred ca poate fii o chestie care sa te enerveze la culme....e destul de aiurea chestia asta...adica cine credeti voi ca se imbraca intrun costum de pui si canta nu stiu ce mel in mijlocul noptii sau mai stiu eu cum scrie acolo....

te-ai nascut original...asa ca nu muri o copie...

Shot at 2007-08-08

pus acum 16 ani
Dieser ist ein wirklich fan

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
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unele sunt chiar interesante, 4 fun...
dar cine ar face asa ceva?

...Autumn is full of remembers...

pus acum 16 ani
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